About US

Harbor Wellness Center

Harbor Wellness Center is a general and accident injury clinic located in Fort Myers, Florida. We specialize in auto injury care allowing us to devote all space and therapies to treatments that are known to work to maximize patient rehabilitation in minimal time.

Our Mission

Our mission here at Harbor Wellness Center is to maximally rehabilitate auto-accident injuries in our patients using a combination of chiropractic care and therapeutic modalities.

How It Works

1. The first visit entails the intake paperwork detailing your medical history, the gathering of your insurance information, as well as the doctor's examination. The intake packets can be found below, and if you'd like, you can print it out, complete it, and when you're ready for your initial visit, hand it to the front desk. This will expedite the process for you and save you time having to wait in the waiting room.

2. If after the first visit the doctor found no reason for immediate referral, treatment will begin. We offer many therapeutic modalities here at Harbor Wellness Center and they can be learned about more in the "SERVICES" tab above in the navigation bar.